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The Man of Destiny Meet the Cast: Maggie Thompson as the Mysterious Lady

Updated: Apr 7, 2023


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It's time to meet another one of our cast members for "The Man of Destiny," Maggie Thompson who plays the Mysterious Lady. Maggie has a gift for delving into the depth of her character to the point where you will find yourself checking your pockets for your dispatches after rehearsal. She brings a liveliness, sparkling ferocity, and deep passion to her role in this play that make her a delight to watch.

Maggie has been with The Archive Theater since its inception--even before Cyrano was in auditions. You may not have recognized her in Cyrano though, unless she was picking your pockets or fighting the French as a Spanish soldier.

Maggie received a degree from Concordia University Texas in marketing and english, but has been acting since she was four. She has lived in Austin for close to nine years and has been involved in several local theatre and film productions with The Baron’s Men, Paramount Pictures, and FronteraFest. She is currently working on publishing poetry and looking out for her next adventure.

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